Thursday, September 3, 2009


In England meanwhile a storm is gathering about how poor operating instructions are of Japanese and Chinese technology products and how hopeless the diagrams are. Even satellites were being delivered with below par honourable instructions. In the cycle of production operating instructions are a mere afterthought.

Reverse Engineered Product Instructions from Japan and China in to English.*

The following paragraph is translated from England via Germany to Japan:-

'Hampstead Garden Suburb, the north part of, the Spanish Garden City, is a huge success of 'made itself' Jews in London. Letchworth, is home of The First Rotary Intelligentsia. On such ground Basildon, such other new towns are illegal dumping in Essex on the wrong side of the swamp. It is easier on synagogues stages to accept the money. 20th in world trade after the Second World War, is England. Essex is the matrix of paths in inland rural areas, outside the scenery of Northern London. Hampstead Heath, reflects the progress of the special route Disraeli took over Hampstead Heath Viaduct. (Where the headquarters of the Admiralty Signal is.) Regenerate Hampstead Heath before the Prime Minister of Queen Victoria, with a commissioned artist's sculpture for the military and civilian signals. British Rail. Churchill and the Jews, despite the BBC really have been loved in Britain. Power will be borne by the Jewish people. The BBC is wrong to wear a cap, and the Bank of England is looking for a companion broadcast usher Darling to join the Jews. Jewish people are kind, considerate of people around the world. The Jews refer to themselves as the Ruling Class of England. Remember, the Jews were in the sadistic Spanish Inquisition and most of them seemed upset. They have the Conservatives, the Landed Aristocracy and the Traditional English, to help them. Jews lived in England in charge of food, clothing, shelter and their own means. The English Runners are currently in good like cheery Arabs riding bright horses. The mosques are competing for Marks and Spencer, for cash cream customers.

In Operation Sealion, documents disappeared from Gower Street.'

Stanley Unwin how was your Japanese Holiday?

'Once in a long far awow, in the Germanic land, there was a great city with Grubbelsberg or something like that, with an Obermeister-Bergelmasty who was in charge. Now there they had a surfeit or rat-suffery, where all they used to creep and out and gnaw sniff and gribble into the early mord (and the late evage) there, biting the bits of the table, also the tea-clothers; and when people were asleep in their beds, so these rats would gnaw into the sheebs and also the whiskers of those who was dangly hoaver.'

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